Below you will find links to the Chapter PDFs from your textbook that we use throughout the semester. Please feel free to download and save these files to your laptop for use when you forget your book or may not have internet access.
Earth Science Chapter 1 (PDF 4.41 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 2 (PDF 3.79 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 3 (PDF 4.40 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 4 (PDF 2.86 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 5 (PDF 2.93 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 6 (PDF 8.34 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 14 (PDF 4.87 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 15 (PDF 4.73 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 16 (PDF 3.32 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 10 (PDF 6.84 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 12 (PDF 5.24 MB)
Earth Science Chapter 13 (PDF 4.69 MB)