World Language

South Middleton School District World Language Department
PSMLA Exemplary Program Award Recipient

The South Middleton School District World Language Department offers instruction through the Advanced Placement level in both Spanish and French. Following an exploratory Spanish and French course in seventh grade, students may begin the study of either language as a core academic subject in eighth grade. At the high school, a six course sequence in Spanish and a five course sequence in French are available, including honors level classes.

We are proud to offer our students many opportunities to practice the language beyond the classroom. These activities include the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica and the Société Honoraire de Français as well as Spanish and French clubs. Annual department highlights include the honor societies induction ceremony and participation in National Foreign Language Week activities. We regularly offer summer travel opportunities to Hispanic and Francophone regions.

Please explore our website to learn more about World Language opportunities at all levels. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

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