In an effort to standardize the research procedures currently being taught in the Boiling Springs High School, a committee prepared and revised this handout as a guide for students when preparing research papers. In an effort to provide a more uniform format across the curriculum, the committee selected The MLA Style Manual as the basis for this guide.
Currently, Boiling Springs High School and Yellow Breeches Middle School students receive instruction on writing research papers at various grade levels. Eighth grade students are instructed in the preliminary steps of preparing reference cards, note cards, an outline, a final reference page, and the final copy of the research paper. Students in English I and English II receive technical instruction in conducting and formatting research. English III and English IV students receive additional instruction and practice in preparing a high school research paper.
Although various style manuals are available for use when preparing research papers, Boiling Springs High School students are required to use this MLA-based research guide. Individual teachers may adapt these guidelines to address specific courses. Students should consult teachers regarding specific research questions. If further assistance is needed, students and teachers should consult The MLA Style Manual available in the BSHS library.
BSHS Research Guide - Nov. 2019 update
BSHS Research Guide Outline - Sept 2015
BSHS Research Guide Sample Paper - Sept 2015