Boiling Springs High School

High School Course Offerings

French Spanish
French 1
French 2
Honors French 2
French 3
Honors French 3
Honors French 4
AP French Language & Culture
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Honors Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Honors Spanish 3
Honors Spanish 4
AP Spanish Language & Culture
Honors Spanish 6

Graduation Requirement

The graduation requirement in World Language is two credits of the same world language while enrolled as a high school student; courses taken as a middle school student do not count toward this requirement but may allow a student to place into a more advanced class. Students who place in level 1 must also complete level 2; students who place in level 2 must also complete level 3. Honors sections are offered for qualified students. Career & Technical Center students need one language credit only.

Course Selection & Sequence

»BSHS Educational Planning Guide

»Course Sequence - French

»Course Sequence - Spanish

»Grading Categories Explanation

»Honors Course Expectations

»AP Course Description & Expectations

It is recommended that students fulfill the two credit graduation requirement before the end of their tenth grade year. Schedule permitting, ninth graders may fulfill the requirement by completing the first credit in the fall semester and the second in the spring semester.

Upon completion of the graduation requirement, the department encourages motivated students who meet the listed prerequisites to continue their study of the same world language; students may also begin the study of a second world language. Many universities award credit or advanced standing based on a placement exam or a College Board AP Exam score.

Honor Societies

The Société Honoraire de Français and the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica recognize the outstanding students in our French and Spanish programs respectively. As model students in our department, members maintain high academic standing and continue their study of the language through at least the fourth level. Additionally, honor society members fulfill an annual community requirement.

Membership requirements and detailed information about the honor societies can be found on the websites of the Société Honoraire de Français and the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica.

Language Clubs

Le Cercle Français and El Club de Español are open to all students who are interested in learning more about Francophone and Hispanic cultures respectively. Activities include team games, conversation practice, vocabulary mini-lessons, cultural crafts, holiday celebrations, and movies. Annual highlights include a gingerbread house competition, preparing teacher appreciation gifts, and National Foreign Language Week activities.

Meeting times and further information about the language clubs can be found on the websites of Le Cercle Français and El Club de Español.

Additional Learning Opportunities 

  • Tutoring through the honor societies
  • National Foreign Language Week in March
  • Shippensburg University Modern Language Competition
  • Le Grand Concours & National Spanish Examinations
  • Advanced Placement French and Spanish Language & Culture Exams
  • Dictionaries, international magazines, book lists, and multilingual databases in the BSHS Library
  • Internships with World Language faculty members
  • Student travel abroad
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