Yellow Breeches Middle School

YBMS Course Sequence
Seventh Grade World Language Exploratory
Mrs. Mater
Eighth Grade French
Mrs. Mater
Eighth Grade Spanish
Ms. Necci

»YBMS Program of Studies

»Grading Categories Explanation

In eighth grade, a world language joins the core academic curriculum. In preparation for that addition, students are introduced to the study of Spanish and French in the seventh grade Creative Arts cycle.

Course Selection: Seventh to Eighth Grade

Current seventh graders will choose between French and Spanish during the second semester of the year. Students who need additional reading support will be placed in a reading course instead. The world language teachers will explain the course selection process before students complete their selection form. Parents may contact the world language teachers or school counselors with additional questions.
Both French and Spanish offer equal opportunities at the high school: a sequence through the Advanced Placement level, a language club, and a chapter of the national honor society.

For additional information about language selection, please listen to this brief overview or view this more detailed explanation about how to choose a language at SMSD

Course Selection: Eighth to Ninth Grade

»Course Selection for Incoming Ninth Graders - French

»Course Selection for Incoming Ninth Graders - Spanish

»Honors Course Expectations

Current eighth graders will schedule world language courses during the course selection period. Parents are urged to discuss this process with the student prior to making selections; communication with the current world language teacher is encouraged. Eighth graders in a world language course should continue that same language at the high school regardless of level placement. Students in the eighth grade reading course will schedule French 1 or Spanish 1.

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