Work Experience Program
Internships and Cooperative Education

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To sign up for Spring Parent Conferences
*Attention Students: There is a mandatory meeting on March 8th (during resource) for all students interested in participating in the Work Experience Program next school year. Students that do not attend the meeting will not be considered for placement next school year.
*All Paperwork is due By March 21st
Work Experience is an elective work-based program for juniors and seniors. The school, the mentor, and the student are partners in helping the student experience hands-on practice or observation to learn about a chosen career. The Work Experience Program consists of both the cooperative education and the internship programs. Cooperative Education students are part-time employees of a business and interns are typically unpaid observers in the workplace. Please access the Work Experience Handbook links for a complete description of the program.
All students are encouraged to participate in the Work Experience Program.
The goals of the program are as follows:
To investigate career options
To learn new aspects of a career
To develop good workplace behaviors
To learn job specific skills
To connect classroom instruction with on-the-job experience
To learn how to obtain, maintain, and change jobs
Quote of the Day
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. ~Maya Angelou

Work Experience Handbook (DOC 51 KB)
Child Protective Services Letter to Employers/Mentors (DOCX 191 KB)
doc file: You need the Microsoft Word program, a free Microsoft Word viewer, or a program that can import Word files in order to view this file. To learn more about the free Microsoft Word Viewer, visit the Microsoft Word website. |
docx file: You need the Microsoft Word program, a free Microsoft Word viewer, or a program that can import Word files in order to view this file. To learn more about the free Microsoft Word Viewer, visit the the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. |

Partnership for Career Development
PCD website is designed to prepare students for career development.
US Dept of Labor
U.S. Department of Labors' statistics and facts on America's workforce
Facts and statistics on PA's workforce
PA Career Education and Work Standards, K-12
Career Outlook Website
PA CareerLink
Highlights many careers in PA including assessment